For Authors

On this page: Did you know? | Submitting an article | Benefits of Publishing with Polymer Journal | Open Access & Self ArchivingExtend the reach of your paper

Did you know?

  • Polymer Journal now welcomes submission of papers on its new submission system eJournal Press.
  • The Users of can now sign up for a monthly e-mail of the table of contents for Polymer Journal.
  • That the Polymer Journal has an impact factor of 2.3 (2023 Journal Citation Reports®).
  • That articles published in the journal in 2023 were downloaded 1,092,063 times.
  • The median time (2023) from submission to the first editorial decision is 7 days.

Submitting an article

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Benefits of publishing with Polymer Journal

Polymer Journal (PJ) is the official journal of the The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ), publishing high-quality original research articles, reviews, notes, rapid communications and editorials spanning all areas of polymer research.

The journal is published in partnership with Springer Nature, which uses pioneering technologies, innovative formats and world-class production to provide premium information for scientific researchers in the public and private sectors, government agencies and educators.

A key strength of Springer Nature is its close relationship with the scientific community. By working closely with scientists, listening to what they say, and always placing emphasis on quality rather than quantity, Springer Nature is the leading scientific publisher at finding innovative solutions to scientists' information needs, both for the Nature-branded publications and those published on behalf of society partners, including SPSJ.

Publishing with PJ and Springer Nature from January 2010 will provide an author with a wide range of benefits:-

The Society of Polymer Science, Japan does not require authors of original research papers to assign copyright of their published contributions. Authors grant The Society of Polymer Science, Japan an exclusive license to publish, in return for which they can re-use their papers in their future printed work.Springer Nature's author license page provides details of the policy and a sample form. Authors are encouraged to submit their version of the accepted, peer-reviewed manuscript to their funding body's archive for public release six months after publication. In addition, authors are encouraged to archive their version of the manuscript in their institution's repositories (as well as on their personal websites), also six months after the original publication. Authors should cite the publication reference and doi number on any deposited version, and provide a link from it to the published article on the Springer Nature website. This policy complements the policies of the US National Institutes of Health, the Wellcome Trust and other research funding bodies around the world. Springer Nature recognizes the efforts of funding bodies to increase access of the research they fund, and strongly encourages authors to participate in such efforts.

Online presence - reducing publication times

PJ has adopted Springer Nature's online submission system, which allows authors to submit papers via the Web. Speeding up the submission and refereeing process, this system also allows you to view the status of your paper online.

Weekly publication online

New articles in PJ, as in all Springer Nature journals, are published weekly online ahead of the archival print issue, ensuring the research is made publicly available and can be cited as soon as possible after acceptance for publication. The online publication is identical to the printed version and is not a preliminary, unedited version, thus maintaining the journal's tradition of excellence and the integrity of the published record.

Supplementary online material

Authors are invited to submit additional supporting material such as data sets or video for publication in the online version of the journal. Online supplementary material makes the most of the Web as a delivery platform and can often give articles greater depth, making them more useful to readers.


Authors who choose to publish in any Springer Nature journal can be assured that its staff's publishing, editorial and production skills are committed to maintaining the highest possible quality and standards.

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Abstracting and indexing

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Extending science further - global collaborations

Springer Nature and PJ support some projects aimed at making current research available to a broader community of scientists and practitioners.

In 2010, Polymer Journal will be part of INASP (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications) program, which provides access to public institutions in developing countries.

Open Access & Self Archiving

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