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Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University

No.36 Sanhao Street, Heping District
Shenyang City
Liaoning Province



Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, formerly known as Shengjing (Shi) Hospital built by the Church of Scotland in Shenyang in 1883, is the first western hospital in Northeast China. In 1949, Shengjing Hospital was formally merged into China Medical University and became the affiliated Hospital of China Medical University. The hospital is a large comprehensive modern digital university affiliated hospital. It is one of the first batch of national regional medical center (comprehensive type) and national children's regional medical center jointly built by CPC and Province.

The hospital has three major medical districts, Nanhu, Huaxiang and Shenbei, all located in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, with a total area of 69,200 square meters; Shengjing Science and Technology Innovation Center is located in the high-tech zone of Benxi City, Liaoning Province, "the Pharmaceutical Capital of China", with a construction area of 152,100 square meters. The science and innovation center of the three major medical districts of the hospital implements integrated management to ensure the coordinated operation and rapid development of the hospital. The hospital is the first comprehensive hospital in China with the famous trademark of China.

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The hospital has an excellent medical level, with 19 national key clinical specialties, 42 provincial key clinical specialties, 16 provincial and ministerial level medical training bases, 17 medical diagnosis and treatment centers above the provincial level, and 12 provincial medical quality control centers. The hospital has 29 first-level diagnosis and treatment subjects, 82 second-level diagnosis and treatment subjects, 204 medical and medical technology departments (wards), 6,750 beds, an annual emergency department of 4.718 million patients, 259,000 patients discharged from the hospital and 109,000 surgical operations.

Over the years, the hospital enjoys outstanding advantages in the fields of pediatric surgery, allergy, pediatric internal medicine, gastroenterology, obstetrics and gynecology, rehabilitation and other fields. The hospital has 1 national key discipline, 15 provincial key disciplines, and 26 research centers or laboratories above the provincial level.

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With strong teaching strength, the hospital is the largest training base for resident doctors and completion assessment base for resident doctors in Liaoning Province. Every year, the hospital trains more than 800 students, more than 1700 master students, more than 1500 resident doctors and more than 50 specialist doctors. The hospital has rich teaching achievements, with 4 national first-class undergraduate specialty construction, 1 national virtual teaching and research room construction, 2 national first-class undergraduate courses, 1 national virtual simulation experiment teaching project, 30 provincial first-class undergraduate courses.

There are 7,394 staff members in the hospital, including 937 senior professional titles, 155 doctoral supervisors and 597 master supervisors. The hospital has a team of top clinical research talents led by Changjiang Scholars and Distinguished Young Scholars.


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