Extended Data Fig. 5: Comparison with METTL11. | Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

Extended Data Fig. 5: Comparison with METTL11.

From: Structural basis of tRNA recognition by the m3C RNA methyltransferase METTL6 in complex with SerRS seryl-tRNA synthetase

Extended Data Fig. 5

a Secondary structure diagrams of METTL6 in comparison with METTL11A (PDB:5UBB) and METTL11B (PDB:6DUB). Dotted lines represent unmodelled parts of the experimental structures. b Superposition of the model of METTL6 from the METTL6-SerRS-tRNASer complex with METTL11A (PDB:5UBB, rmsd = 1.137 Å) and METTL11B (PDB:6DUB, rmsd = 1.102 Å) c Distortion of the anticodon arm in the METTL6-SerRS-tRNASer complex compared to free tRNA (PDB:1ehz, grey) (rmsd = 1.124 Å).

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