Extended Data Fig. 2: Representative X-ray crystallographic electron density maps and crystal-packing arrangements and interactions in the pre-mascRNA and mascRNA crystals. | Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

Extended Data Fig. 2: Representative X-ray crystallographic electron density maps and crystal-packing arrangements and interactions in the pre-mascRNA and mascRNA crystals.

From: Structural basis of MALAT1 RNA maturation and mascRNA biogenesis

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, b, Composite simulated anneal-omit 2|Fo|-|Fc| electron density calculated using the final model (1.0 s.d.) superimposed with the final refined model of the pre-mascRNA (a) and portion of the map showing the elbow region (b). c, d, Composite simulated anneal-omit 2|Fo|-|Fc| electron density calculated using the final model (1.0 s.d.) superimposed with the final refined model of mascRNA (c) and portions of the map showing the elbow region (d). e, Overall crystal-packing arrangements in the pre-mascRNA crystals. A reference molecule is shown in blue, while its symmetry-related molecules are in salmon. f, g, Detailed packing interfaces between pre-mascRNA molecules at the elbow (f) and termini (g) regions. h, Overall crystal-packing arrangements in the mascRNA crystals, colored as in e. i-k, Detailed packing interfaces between mascRNA molecules at the termini (i) and ASL (j, k) regions. Different interactions were observed between the chain A (j) and B (k).

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