Extended Data Fig. 6: Complete experiment for Fig. 3g. | Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

Extended Data Fig. 6: Complete experiment for Fig. 3g.

From: Structure of the human KMN complex and implications for regulation of its assembly

Extended Data Fig. 6

(a) Fluorescence and immunofluorescence analysis on cells treated for Ndc80C RNAi as indicated, and electroporated with Ndc80C-labelled FAM. Samples showing electroporation of wild type Ndc80C and the SPCM1 mutant (Ndc80C reconstituted with the mutation) were already shown in Fig. 3g. Scale bar = 5 µm. (b-c) Quantification of experiments displayed in a. Red bars represent median, indicated above the plots, and interquartile range of normalized single kinetochores (n) intensity values. In b. for mock electroporation Ndc80C RNAi - (n = 1464), Ndc80C RNAi + (n = 1539). In b,c. for SPCWT (n = 1873), SPCM1 (n = 1784), SPCM2 (n = 954) from two independent experiments.

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