Extended Data Fig. 3: An absence of LoF variants in the 5′ coding region of exon 1. | Nature Genetics

Extended Data Fig. 3: An absence of LoF variants in the 5′ coding region of exon 1.

From: Saturation genome editing maps the functional spectrum of pathogenic VHL alleles

Extended Data Fig. 3

a, The rate of editing by HDR as measured by NGS is plotted for each replicate SGE experiment, sampled on day 6 post-transfection. b, Function scores for variants in exon 1 are plotted by genomic position and colored by q value. Positions of the three different SGE regions tiling exon 1 are indicated on the x axis. c, Histograms of function scores colored by mutation consequence are shown for each SGE region. Nonsense variants consistently score lowly across SGE regions, with the exception of the exon 1–5′ region.

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