Extended Data Fig. 1: Optimizing SGE libraries to tile the complete VHL coding sequence. | Nature Genetics

Extended Data Fig. 1: Optimizing SGE libraries to tile the complete VHL coding sequence.

From: Saturation genome editing maps the functional spectrum of pathogenic VHL alleles

Extended Data Fig. 1

a, A schematic showing the seven SGE regions tiling across VHL. b,c, Frequency of SNVs plotted by position in the initial libraries for exon 1–5′ (b) and exon 1–3′ (c). d,e, Histograms of variant frequency for the initial libraries for exon 1–5′ (d) and exon 1–3′ (e). Based on these distributions, additional synonymous SNVs were added to final library designs. fl, Frequency of SNVs in the final SGE libraries used for each region.

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