Through the mission of Mighty Oaks Foundation, we are spearheading high profile advocacy work that has been covered extensively by the media, including Fox News, TheBlaze, OAN and many others. 

We have advised Congress, the White House and The VA, building relationships and in-roads with The President and his staff, to educate and inform on the success of faith-based programs in the healing and restoration of our Nation’s Warrior. in 2019, we presented over 26,000 signatures to Congress and we’re currently generating over 100,000 signatures to present to the Congress And Senate requesting that they move forward with legislation to make programs like ours available to the military community through the DoD and VA. 


God has blessed Mighty Oaks with an amazing development from our Congressional testimony this past December! After providing Congress with over 26,000 signatures, this meeting opened lines of communication with the White House. Our Founder, Chad Robichaux, was appointed and served as Chairman of a White House veterans coalition, including some of the most effective VSO’s in the country. With the mission to help inform and make a substantial case for faith-based treatment options being made available for our Nation’s Warriors through the VA, with dedicated funding for each state.


An extension of the mission of Mighty Oaks is to make sure that the issues our Warriors are facing are addressed by the government as a matter of urgency. We have built an incredible network of Military, Congressional and VSO contacts over the years, and through those relationships our involvement in helping to shape policy,  educate and inform has become much more significant. 

Our Founder, Chad Robichaux was part of a specially selected military caucus for The Former President during his campaign. After the election, the administraion’s national security advisor invited him to testify advising the white house on the inclusion of faith solutions for VA reform as part of the White House transition team. We have testified before congress, advised the White house, the VA and DoD in the implementation of the Executive Order allowing faith solutions back into veteran’s care, as part of keeping our promise to our nation’s Warriors and the American people.



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