Level up your job search with Meetup

Whether you’re looking to land your dream job, enter a new industry, or recover from a layoff, Meetup has the tools to help you in your job search.

Meet professionals in your industry actively looking to build relationships. Discover job opportunities and connect with top-tier talent at events.

Discover job opportunities and connect with top-tier talent in the technology, finance, and marketing industries. Career moves are made by joining groups on Meetup. 

Learn tips to create a powerful resume, get advice on how to network with people in your industry, and hear secrets to negotiating your next salary offer during upcoming Meetup Live events.

Special offer

2 free months of Member+

With Member+, you’ll have the most powerful tools at your disposal to find and grow your community. Your next career contact, prospect, or offer could be an event away. 

We’re extending a special offer to members of the tech industry who have been impacted by layoffs. We welcome you to join Meetup Member+ at no cost for two months. Use code TECH4GOOD at checkout within the Meetup app. 

Offer valid until 3/31/2023 on new subscriptions.

Tech Events Nearby









Career Events Nearby









Learn from the experts

Tune in for a discussion with certified career coach Michelle Perchuk to learn how to take the power back in your job search.


Enjoy great activities in good company with other fitness or nature enthusiasts

Everything you need to know about “putting yourself out there” and making the most of a networking event.


Explore your city, expand your friendship circle and add balance to your life

Tech skills are becoming more valuable across all industries. Joining a tech group can help you succeed in nearly any line of work.

A Career Coach’s Guide to Job Hunting

Tune in for a discussion with certified career coach Michelle Perchuk to learn how to take the power back in your job search.

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An All-Encompassing Guide to Networking Events

Everything you need to know about “putting yourself out there” and making the most of a networking event.

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5 Ways to Make Your Group Stand Out

Tech skills are becoming more valuable across all industries. Joining a tech group can help you succeed in nearly any line of work.

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Meet your goals, together

What do you want to accomplish this year? Let your community help you. Start a group to share your passions and meet new people.

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