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Developer Hours: Editor unification and extensibility in WordPress 6.6

Photo of Nick Diego
Hosted By
Nick D. and Ryan W.
Developer Hours: Editor unification and extensibility in WordPress 6.6


As WordPress evolves, the gap between the Post and Site Editors is narrowing. In WordPress 6.6, slots and extensibility APIs are unified in the @wordpress/editor package global variable, simplifying the integration of extensions across editors for developers. The user interface is also becoming more standardized.

In this Developer Hours session, we will explore how these updates can streamline your development process and enhance extensibility like never before. You will learn how to:

  • Extend the Post and Site Editor using slots and why you might want to do so
  • Display content only when specific conditions are met, such as when editing a custom post type
  • Update existing extensions to work in both the Post and Site Editor
  • Ensure updated extensions are backward compatible with WordPress 6.5 and lower

Meetup Information
Where: Zoom (Link will be visible after RSVP)
Level: Advanced
Language: English with live Zoom transcription

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