Experts in investment research, ratings, consulting and managed accounts

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Who we are

Lonsec plays a fundamental role in building the investment capabilities of financial advisers, fund managers, superannuation funds. Our business encompasses managed investments, listed securities and superannuation research, awards and ratings, investment consulting, managed accounts and data and analytics. The Lonsec group is positioned at the nexus of Australia’s financial advice and investment industry, enabling us to provide practical, actionable insights that add real value to our investment and advice solutions.

Latest news & insights


Media release: AI and bank shares push super balances higher in 2024

Superannuation funds have recorded another impressive year of returns for members with international technology and Australian banking shares driving above average returns over 2024. Concerns over inflation caused a slow start to the year, with…
/ by Kirby Rappell

Media release: Super funds lock in strong returns over June

Super funds have delivered stronger than expected returns with the losses from the start of the financial year now a distant memory, and despite renewed fears around the trajectory of inflation. Leading superannuation research house SuperRatings…
/ by Kirby Rappell

Portfolio Perspectives from the CIO Office: July 2024

In this month's edition of Portfolio Pespectives, the key messages for investors are:  Global macroeconomic forecasts and contemporaneous forward-looking macroeconomic data suggest a positive but muted economic outlook. This…
/ by Nathan Lim
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Money Management 36th Annual Fund Manager of the Year Awards 2024 - Winners Announced

The annual Fund Manager of the Year Awards ceremony was held last night in Sydney, with more than 20 individual and group winners announced. The awards program comprehensively covers the industry’s top performers, including senior professionals,…
/ by Lonsec

Media release: Super funds stabilise returns in May

Markets saw an improvement over May following April losses as equities stabilised. While not enough to fully regain the -1.6% fall in April, leading superannuation research house SuperRatings estimates that the median balanced option returned…
/ by Kirby Rappell

Portfolio Perspectives from the CIO Office: June 2024

In this month's edition of Portfolio Pespectives, the key messages for investors are: We are in the late stage of the economic cycle with economic growth in Australia moderating to 1.1% year-on-year in the March quarter, well-below…
/ by Deanne Baker

Media Release: Australia’s market leading investment research house – Lonsec fully acquired by Generation Development Group Limited

Lonsec Holdings (Lonsec) is poised to further enhance its position as the pre-eminent provider of investment research, product ratings and managed account solutions as it announces today that its largest shareholder, Generation Development Group…
/ by Naomi Christopher

Innovation: ORTC Protect - Unlocking ORFR reserves in members’ best financial interest

APRA is consulting with industry on the superannuation industry's approaches and plans to maintain the financial strength needed to operate their businesses effectively and protect their members' best financial interests. SuperRatings was…
/ by Scott Abercrombie
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Lonsec Managed Portfolios Quarterly Update - Q1, 2024

In this quarterly webinar, host Marc Hraiki is joined by Nathan Lim for a market update and outlook from the CIO's Office, as well as a summary of changes to asset allocation. ​​Deputy CIO Deanne Baker also provides performance and positioning…
/ by Nathan Lim

Year Established


Corporate Offices






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Lonsec Symposium 2024 - Prospering in Volatile Times

Discover the keys to helping you and your clients prosper in volatile times at Lonsec Symposium 2024. Lonsec Symposium 2024 brings together industry leaders to help you navigate an ever-changing economic landscape and provide the best solutions…
/ by Lonsec
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Lonsec Managers in Focus - Equity

Webinar details With reporting season wrapping up, the next episode of Managers in Focus will look at Australian Equities. The panel will discuss the opportunities and risks they have observed during reporting season and any trends that…
/ by Lonsec
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Lonsec Webinar Series - Deciding between Term Deposits, Fixed Income and Annuities

Join experts from Lonsec, Janus Henderson, and Challenger for an exclusive 45-minute webinar, hosted by Lonsec, to delve into the challenges and trends shaping the Fixed Income landscape. Our aim is to provide you with a well-rounded understanding…
/ by Lonsec

Lonsec Managers in Focus - Passive ETFs

The recording is now available. Synopsis The Australian ETF sector continues to grow strongly with over 20 new ETFs launched this year alone and the sector closing in on $150 billion in funds under management. Whether your clients are…
/ by Lonsec
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Lonsec Symposium 2023 - Back to Basics

The recording is now available. Synopsis Following a sell-out event last year, we are again bringing together leading fund managers, commentators, and industry participants to discuss the investing outlook as we go ‘Back to Basics’. During…
/ by Lonsec

Lonsec Managers in Focus | Unlisted Property

The recording is now available. Synopsis In the wake of central banks rapidly hiking interest rates to combat inflation, listed property markets experienced a spike in volatility and have been heavily sold-off. By contrast, unlisted property…
/ by Lonsec

Lonsec Sustainability Webinar: New insights on talking ESG with your clients

RECORDING IS NOW AVAILABLE In one of our recent surveys, we asked advisers if they felt adequately prepared to discuss ESG investing options with their clients, and only 25% responded that they were. With ESG investment options growing exponentially…
/ by Lonsec
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Lonsec Retire Webinar: Volatility and the Impact of Sequencing Risks in Investment Portfolios

RECORDING IS AVAILABLE After years of almost uninterrupted falling volatility, since the start of the year there has been a surge in the VIX and other measures of volatility. The damage that falling markets and volatility can do to portfolios…
/ by Lonsec

Lonsec Sustainability Webinar | Green Washing: What is in a name?

RECORDING IS AVAILABLE With ASIC recently issuing new guidance to fund issuers on how to avoid greenwashing, it is now more important than ever to discuss how managers can avoid distorting the environmental, sustainable or ethical credentials…
/ by Lonsec

Important information: Any express or implied rating or advice is limited to general advice, it doesn’t consider any personal needs, goals or objectives.  Before making any decision about financial products, consider whether it is personally appropriate for you in light of your personal circumstances. Obtain and consider the Product Disclosure Statement for each financial product and seek professional personal advice before making any decisions regarding a financial product.