The Doctor is In: How AI is Revolutionizing Healthcare Workflows

The Doctor is In: How AI is Revolutionizing Healthcare Workflows

Abstract: The healthcare industry faces a critical challenge: overburdened clinicians struggling with mountains of administrative tasks. This translates to less time for patients, potential delays in care, and clinician burnout. Generative AI (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) emerge as transformative solutions. This article explores how these technologies can automate workflows, improve efficiency, and empower healthcare providers to deliver exceptional patient care. We delve into the impact of administrative burden, explain GenAI and LLMs in accessible terms, and showcase their applications in pre-populating EHRs, generating reports, processing prior authorizations, and more. We explore the potential benefits for clinicians, patients, and healthcare institutions, including increased productivity, improved quality of care, reduced costs, and enhanced satisfaction. Addressing data security, human oversight, and user training, we navigate the path to responsible implementation. Finally, we call to action data engineers and data scientists, highlighting the immense potential of their expertise in shaping a more efficient and patient-centered healthcare future.

Imagine a world where doctors are relieved of tedious paperwork, allowing them to dedicate more time to their patients. This vision is no longer science fiction. Generative AI (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) are poised to transform healthcare workflows, alleviating the administrative burden that currently plagues clinicians.

The Crushing Weight of Administrative Tasks

Healthcare professionals are the cornerstones of our well-being. However, a staggering amount of their time is consumed by administrative tasks. A 2022 study by the American Medical Association (AMA) found that physicians dedicate nearly half (49%) of their workday to administrative chores [1]. This includes activities like:

  • Electronic Health Record (EHR) data entry – Filling out complex forms with patient information, diagnoses, and treatment plans.
  • Report generation – Summarizing patient encounters, test results, and treatment progress.
  • Prior authorization requests – Obtaining approval from insurance companies for specific procedures or medications, often involving lengthy paperwork and delays.

These tasks not only rob clinicians of valuable time for patient interaction but also contribute to physician burnout. A 2021 survey by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) revealed that 54% of physicians reported experiencing burnout [2]. This has a domino effect, leading to decreased job satisfaction, higher turnover rates, and ultimately, compromised patient care.

The Power of Generative AI and LLMs

GenAI and LLMs are a new breed of artificial intelligence. GenAI excels at creating new content, like text, code, or images, based on existing data. LLMs, a subset of GenAI, are trained on massive amounts of text data, allowing them to understand language nuances and generate human-quality text. These technologies hold immense potential to streamline healthcare workflows and empower clinicians.

From Tedious Tasks to Automated Efficiency

Here's how GenAI and LLMs can revolutionize specific administrative tasks:

  • Pre-populating EHR Summaries: Imagine AI automatically extracting key information from doctor's notes, imaging reports, and lab results to populate a comprehensive EHR summary. This saves clinicians time and ensures consistency and accuracy in patient records.
  • Generating Reports with a Click: LLMs can analyze clinical data and generate clear, concise reports summarizing patient encounters, diagnoses, and treatment plans. This frees up clinicians from the burden of manual report writing, allowing them to focus on patient care and personalized communication.
  • Streamlining Prior Authorizations: GenAI can automate the tedious process of prior authorization requests. By analyzing patient data and treatment protocols, AI can identify relevant information, complete forms electronically, and submit requests to insurance companies, significantly reducing delays and frustrations.

Now let’s slightly dive deeper in each of the use cases.

Pre-populating EHR Summaries: From Tedious Typing to Intelligent Automation

Imagine a doctor finishing a patient encounter. Instead of spending precious minutes typing a detailed EHR summary, they simply click a button. Behind the scenes, GenAI springs into action:

  • Information Extraction Powerhouse: GenAI scans the doctor's notes, extracting key details like: Symptoms reported by the patient. Physical exam findings. Diagnoses and treatment plans.
  • Tapping into a Wealth of Data: GenAI doesn't stop there. It delves into the patient's electronic health record, pulling relevant information from: Past diagnoses and medications. Imaging reports like X-rays or MRIs. Lab results from blood tests or other investigations.
  • Weaving the Narrative: GenAI synthesizes all this data, creating a clear, concise, and chronologically organized summary of the patient's encounter. This includes: A brief overview of the patient's medical history. A detailed account of the current visit. The doctor's assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plan.


  • Clinician Time Saved: Doctors can reclaim an estimated 30-40 minutes per day previously spent on EHR data entry [3]. This translates to more time for patient interaction and improved quality of care.
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency: AI-powered summaries minimize the risk of errors due to manual data entry. Consistency in formatting and terminology improves communication among healthcare providers.
  • Improved Patient Care: Accurate and complete EHR summaries facilitate better informed treatment decisions and contribute to a more holistic approach to patient care.

Generating Reports with a Click: From Hours to Minutes

Creating comprehensive reports summarizing patient encounters can be a time-consuming task for doctors. LLMs offer a revolutionary solution:

  • Data Analysis Power: LLMs can ingest vast amounts of clinical data, including: EHR summaries. Imaging reports. Lab results. Medication records.
  • Building a Patient Story: Using advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, LLMs can analyze the relationships between different data points, creating a coherent narrative of the patient's medical journey.
  • Customizable Reports: Doctors can specify the level of detail and format of the report based on their needs. This could be a concise progress report for a routine visit or a detailed referral summary for a specialist.


  • Reduced Time Spent Writing Reports: Doctors can generate reports in a fraction of the time previously required. This frees them to focus on more critical tasks and spend more time with patients.
  • Improved Clarity and Consistency: LLMs ensure reports are well-structured, grammatically correct, and easy to understand for both medical professionals and patients.
  • Enhanced Communication: Clear and concise reports facilitate better communication between healthcare providers, leading to improved care coordination and patient outcomes.

Streamlining Prior Authorizations: From Paperwork Purgatory to Digital Efficiency

Prior authorization requests are a major source of frustration for both doctors and patients. GenAI offers a way to navigate this bureaucratic maze:

  • Understanding Treatment Needs: GenAI analyzes the patient's diagnosis, treatment plan, and medical history.
  • Identifying Relevant Information: AI scans clinical guidelines and insurance policies to pinpoint the specific information required for authorization.
  • Automating Form Completion: GenAI automatically populates prior authorization forms with the necessary patient data, treatment details, and supporting clinical documentation.
  • Electronic Submission and Tracking: The completed forms are electronically submitted to the insurance company, and AI can track the status of the request, notifying the doctor of any updates or issues.


  • Reduced Delays and Frustrations: AI streamlines the process, significantly reducing the time it takes to obtain authorization and expedite access to necessary treatment.
  • Improved Patient Satisfaction: Faster treatment starts mean less patient anxiety and improved overall satisfaction with the healthcare experience.
  • Cost Savings: Reduced administrative burden for both doctors and insurance companies can translate to significant cost savings in the healthcare system.

These are just a few examples. GenAI and LLMs have the potential to automate appointment scheduling, generate personalized patient education materials, and even translate medical records into multiple languages, improving communication with patients from diverse backgrounds.

A Brighter Future for Healthcare: The Ripple Effect of AI

The benefits of GenAI and LLM implementation extend far beyond clinician efficiency. Here's how these technologies can positively impact healthcare as a whole:

  • Improved Quality of Care: With more time for patient interaction, clinicians can delve deeper into diagnosis and treatment plans, leading to better patient outcomes.
  • Reduced Healthcare Costs: Streamlined workflows and automation can lead to significant cost savings for healthcare institutions.
  • Enhanced Patient Satisfaction: Reduced wait times, improved communication, and a focus on personalized care can significantly enhance patient satisfaction.
  • Reduced Clinician Burnout: By alleviating administrative burdens, GenAI and LLMs can contribute to a happier, more engaged healthcare workforce. This translates to better patient care and a healthier healthcare system overall.

Challenges and Considerations: Navigating the Road Ahead

As with any innovative technology, implementing GenAI and LLMs in healthcare comes with challenges:

  • Data Security and Privacy: Robust safeguards are crucial to ensure patient data remains secure throughout the AI process.
  • Human Oversight: While AI can automate tasks, human oversight remains essential to ensure accuracy and reliability of AI-generated outputs. Clinicians should review and finalize all AI-generated reports and summaries.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Seamless integration of AI with existing healthcare information systems is crucial for smooth workflow adoption.
  • User Training and Education: Building trust and understanding among healthcare professionals is essential. Training programs can familiarize clinicians with GenAI and LLM capabilities and limitations.

A Call to Action: Data Science for a Healthier Future

The potential of GenAI and LLMs to revolutionize healthcare workflows is undeniable. However, this transformation hinges on the expertise of data engineers and data scientists. Here's why your skills are crucial:

  • Developing and Implementing AI Models: Your expertise is needed to design, train, and refine GenAI and LLM models specifically tailored to healthcare workflows.
  • Ensuring Data Security and Privacy: Your knowledge of data anonymization and encryption is vital to safeguard patient data throughout the AI process.
  • Building Trustworthy Systems: Your ability to explain AI models and ensure their interpretability is essential for clinician trust and adoption.
  • Driving Innovation: Your creativity and problem-solving skills are instrumental in developing new applications of GenAI and LLMs that continue to improve healthcare workflows.

By joining forces with healthcare professionals, data engineers and data scientists have the power to shape a future where technology empowers clinicians to prioritize patient care. Imagine a world where doctors are relieved of administrative burdens, allowing them to focus on what matters most – their patients. This future is within reach, and your expertise is the key to unlocking its potential.

Parting words

Generative AI and Large Language Models are not here to replace doctors. They are powerful tools that can empower clinicians to deliver exceptional patient care. By embracing responsible implementation, addressing challenges, and fostering collaboration, we can pave the way for a more efficient, patient-centered healthcare system. The time to act is now. Let's harness the power of AI to transform healthcare for a healthier tomorrow.



1.     American Medical Association (AMA). (2022). Clinician burnout and well-being: A call to action. This citation supports the statistic on the percentage of a workday physicians dedicate to administrative tasks.

2.     National Academy of Medicine (NAM). (2021). Taking action against clinician burnout: A national imperative.

3. HIMSS Analytics. (2022). The state of EHR adoption in 2022.

Abdul Haseeb

Helping Doctors Streamline Patient Care With Custom EMR


Very insightful, Yunguo Yu, PhD, MD, It's exciting to see how 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐈 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐋𝐌𝐬 are reducing 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐬 and enhancing clinician efficiency. These tools are going to make 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 a lot better and more patient-centered.

Poulami Chatterjee

Lead Product Manager @ Providence | Product | Strategy | Healthcare Technology | AI | Innovation


Love this!

Prosenjit Dhar

US Healthcare Payer/Payvider | Payer IT Products | New Solution | Growth Strategy | Solution Incubation | Solution Consulting


Very promising use cases Yunguo Yu, PhD, MD, Typically a prior auth request covers 40-50 fields. Almost 20-30% of them are around prior auth case build-up - Nature of disease, past/present ailments, desired surgery/treatment, critical findings etc.. Fulfillment of such fields takes ~80% of the total time which are essentially EMR record history reference and summarization. So totally agree, huge potential is there to modernize prior auth at the source itself.

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