From the course: WordPress: Accessibility

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Authoring tools and accessibility guidelines

Authoring tools and accessibility guidelines - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: WordPress: Accessibility

Authoring tools and accessibility guidelines

- [Instructor] Do you have anybody working on your site who has a disability? If you hired somebody with a disability, do you know whether they would be able to make edits to your website? One of the most invisible discriminatory practices against people with disabilities is to require tools that aren't accessible. Needing to use assistive technology doesn't inherently stop somebody from doing work on a website. The tools required, however, may pose a major barrier. The Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines, or ATAG, are closely related to WCAG. Rather than being focused on content, they're focused on the process of creating content. They are guidelines for checking whether a tool for creating content is usable by people with disabilities, and also whether it supports creating content that is consumable by people with disabilities. Most day-to-day web editing tasks require many different parts, WordPress core…
