From the course: Transitioning from Waterfall to Agile Project Management

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The scrum framework

The scrum framework

- Scrum is so popular among agile frameworks that many its standard terms and practices have spread to other agile frameworks. Since that's the reality, it will help you to understand the basics of this framework. Scrum is a simple framework that consists of five events and three artifacts. The events are repeated on a cadence for the life of the work effort and the artifacts, or documents, are also used throughout the life-cycle of work. Let's look at the events first. First is the Sprint. This is the time box, usually two weeks, during the which the team designs, builds, develops, and tests the work. Each Sprint has a goal of what's to be delivered as done at the end. The second is Sprint Planning. During Sprint Planning, the product owner presents the most valuable work to be done to the team. The PO and team negotiate about what will fit into the Sprint and the team commits to completing that work. Third…
