From the course: Team Coaching in a Dynamic World

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Connect your team deeply with stakeholders

Connect your team deeply with stakeholders

From the course: Team Coaching in a Dynamic World

Connect your team deeply with stakeholders

- Here's a simple practice. Conduct every team meeting as if your key stakeholders were sitting in it. If you're meeting physically, give them a chair at the table, even though they aren't there. If it's appropriate, get one of the team to sit in that chair and role play what they think the stakeholder would think and feel if they were really there. And here's another simple exercise to help a team become more aware of its stakeholders. Ask them to identify as many stakeholders as they can for the team. And then select the most important in terms of the impact the team's activities and behaviors have on those stakeholders, and the impact the stakeholders activities and behaviors have on the team. And then consider the questions. To what extent does the team share common purpose with them? To what extent does it share common values with them? And what would have to change for this stakeholder relationship to be more effective in driving team performance? It may well be the case that…
