From the course: Simplifying Web Development with Accessibility Best Practices

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Making embedded videos more accessible

Making embedded videos more accessible

- [Teacher] More and more content on the web comes in the form of either video or audio or both. This type of content is usually embedded from a dedicated service like YouTube and this embedding introduces some tricky problems for performance, usability and accessibility perspectives. The embed, an iFrame, will load even when the visitor never actually watches the video. So that's a performance issue. The embed slows down rendering of the page and can introduce errors. Again, a performance and usability issue. And because the embed is an iFrame, if a visitor navigates using a keyboard they may get trapped inside the iFrame and have a hard time exiting back into the main page even if they have no interest in the video. In the case of a YouTube video, for example, they have to navigate through all the different controls inside the YouTube video before getting back into the regular page. And this is a serious accessibility…
