From the course: Simplifying Web Development with Accessibility Best Practices

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Lighthouse score and similar

Lighthouse score and similar

- [Instructor] Accessibility matters to the human beings who access the sites we built. For this reason, accessibility is also given more and more weight in things like search engine optimization. You can see this in action anytime you run a lighthouse report from the performance metrics tool built into Chrome. So let's do that and see what actually happens. So I have a site here. This is one of our demo sites that we use for different courses, and let's go to Chrome and open lighthouse. Inside lighthouse, you can choose to run an accessibility report and that will then test your site for accessibility. So I'll do this using the mobile layout, click generate report and now lighthouse will spin up the site, do a bunch of accessibility testing on the site and give me a response back. And this response will tell me if there are any problems, why those problems exist and what I can do about them. So at the very top here,…
