From the course: Shopify Essential Training

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Understand on-page SEO

Understand on-page SEO

- [Narrator] One of the options we haven't looked at are the SEO settings. Before we change anything, I love that Shopify shows us a preview of what someone would see on the search engine results page, also called a SERP. Now this isn't exactly what they'll see, it is a best guess. Search engines, like Google, will always show what they think is best for the user, so as long as you aren't too spammy, you can recommend a title and description, which will show up here, for both pages and blog posts. Let's click Edit website SEO. Now we can see the title, meta description, and the URL. The title is, of course, the largest text that the user will see. Right now, we're not doing anything extra with the title. Shopify will pull in the page title as a starting point, but we can do better. Instead of About, let's type in, About Laid Back Games. And we could go even further, maybe, And Why We Love Board Games. As long as you…
