From the course: Shopify Essential Training

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Create discounts

Create discounts

- [Instructor] We've talked about running sales. One of the ways to make that happen is to use discount codes, which are essentially coupon codes. We can access discounts from the Admin. Just click Discounts, and then we can click Create discount, and let's say we want to create a Black Friday sale where everything in our store is 10% off. We could manually adjust every price but that's a huge time suck. Let's instead create a discount code for 10% and we'll let users know about the sale within a notification bar. For this type of promotion, I'll select "Amount off order," since I want it to apply to every order in my store on Black Friday, and I'll call it BlackFriday10. We could also click Generate code, which gives you a series of random characters and numbers. This is good if you want to give a customer a unique coupon, but I'm fine calling mine BlackFriday10. I'll leave the type of discount set to percentage…
