From the course: Scaling Out Using Azure SignalR Service

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EventGrid integration benefits and use cases

EventGrid integration benefits and use cases

From the course: Scaling Out Using Azure SignalR Service

EventGrid integration benefits and use cases

- [Instructor] Due to the scaled and disconnect nature of the cloud, the way most services communicate with each other is via events and queues. And for the serverless work in Azure, the glue that stitches together our event driven serverless applications is Event Grid. Event Grid is a single service for managing routing of all events from any source to any destination, designed for high availability, consistent performance and dynamic scale. It lets us focus on our application logic rather than the infrastructure. We can use Event Grid to trigger Azure functions that have similar bindings to broadcast messages to our clients. That gives us a lot of opportunities to cover almost any scenario in our cloud applications that utilize realtime messages. We can notify our client applications for any event through Event Grid. In serverless mode, SignalR does not have all the features a halted SignalR has. We do not have events…
