From the course: Scaling Out Using Azure SignalR Service

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Configuring SignalR Service with ASP.NET Core

Configuring SignalR Service with ASP.NET Core

From the course: Scaling Out Using Azure SignalR Service

Configuring SignalR Service with ASP.NET Core

- [Instructor] Before we integrate signal service with our application, first, let's see what happens when we scale without having signal service set up. To simulate the scaling scenario, I have opened visual studio twice on the same project. Now, let's run both instances at the same time. Once both instances are up and running, let's give them a username. Let's name it instance one and instance two. As we can see, the URLs are different for both instances. One of them is host also going on one local server and the other in another. Now, if we try to send messages between one another, we should not be able to, because server one does not know about the connections that the server two has. And as soon as we try to send a message, we only receive it in the first instance. We do not receive it in the second one. And if you try one from the second one, we only receive it in the second instance, and the first instance does…
