From the course: Scaling Out Using Azure SignalR Service

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Adding a SignalR Service failover node

Adding a SignalR Service failover node

- [Instructor] In order to add a fail over note to our SignalR service, first we need to create another service that will be our backup one to the primary service. Let's use the same resource group as we used with our primary instance, which was called Azure SignalR service. And for the name, let's name it Azure SignalR Service Backup Instance. And for the region, we need to change it to something else rather than with the primary instance. Our primary instance was on West Europe, so let's change this one to North Europe. And for the pricing tier, we are going to choose free. And for the service mode, default, since we are going to connect another server to it. Let's review our settings and create it. While the service is being created, let's navigate to the code and implement the failover options with our application. In order to implement failover, we are going to configure two server instances: server one and…
