From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Using remarketing or retargeting to reach prospects

Using remarketing or retargeting to reach prospects

From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

Using remarketing or retargeting to reach prospects

- [Instructor] Have you ever been to a website and been close to checking out or completing a form but just didn't do it? Instead, you left and did something else, but then a few minutes or a few hours later you start seeing ads for the very thing you almost bought or the company that you just visited. This is called retargeting. \Google calls it remarketing. Because you visited a website and had a cookie placed on your browser from that website, which is a first-party cookie, the good kind, it enables your browser to be identified in a campaign designed to bring you back to that advertiser's website, usually to complete the process or checkout that you abandoned. One of the most successful and profitable methods of using programmatic advertising is to reach first-party audiences, which means that they are your audiences. It doesn't rely on second or third-party data, which is other companies' data, which is coming under…
