From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Using landing pages to sell

Using landing pages to sell

- [Instructor] The landing page is the primary tool in conversion. Nearly every campaign you run will drive people to a decision point, and the landing page is the best tool to present that decision. I'll show you the primary elements of landing pages and how they work together. In every type of campaign, paid search, social media, display advertising, and email, landing pages are developed for each campaign and each offer, they are the workhorse of digital marketing. I'm going to do a search for CRM software and look at the Salesforce ad and landing pages. In many cases, a landing page will not have navigation to the rest of the website. In order to present the offer without distraction, the navigation is removed, this is typical in lead generation campaigns. However, for e-commerce, the landing page can be the actual product page. The top of the page is called the hero spot, this is where everyone's eyes start.…
