From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Testing and optimization of campaigns

Testing and optimization of campaigns

- When I was a kid, my mother often quoted the second law of thermodynamics in regards to the mess in my room. The law simply states that things constantly move to a state of disorganization. It takes energy to prevent a mess. In the same way, you can't leave these campaigns to run on their own. The energy of testing and optimizing your paid search campaign is required in order to have the best results. Improving your campaign will result in a lower campaign spend, better results, higher quality score, higher add placement, and a higher return on your investment. Neglect a paid search campaign at your own risk. The first place to start is by testing the ad copy. Testing new ads can help you improve your click-through rate, which then improves your quality score. When testing ad copy, it can be as simple as testing a new ad headline. Sometimes a new ad headline immediately results in a better click through rate.…
