From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Scoring leads for better sales

Scoring leads for better sales

- Have you ever received a cold call, someone trying to sell you something, and they don't know you? Annoying, isn't it? Well, lead scoring is a feature of marketing automation that removes that annoyance, and streamlines a company's approach to sales. I'll explain how. Many companies have products that require significant investment, and so there are multiple decision-makers, and the process can take months to unfold. That's what is meant when there is a 12 to 15 month buying cycle. This scales to smaller companies as well where there may be only one or two decision-makers, but it's still a significant investment. Automation enables companies to measure the amount of online interactions a prospect or prospects from a company make during the sales cycle, like website visits, video views, and email clicks. This measures how interested a prospect is, and what content they engage with. Lead nurturing is the…
