From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Preparing for the proctored certification test

Preparing for the proctored certification test

- Planning ahead for your exam will help ensure that you have the best chance to be successful and that the exam process works smoothly for you. The minimum recommended preparation for the OMCA exam includes 600 hours of online marketing experience, that includes conceptual understanding of at least seven of the nine online marketing disciplines, coupled with 24 didactic hours in an OMCA approved course like this one, covering the specific disciplines. But what if you have little or no experience? Don't worry. Candidates with more education may not need as much practical experience. In fact, the completion of this LinkedIn course currently eliminates the experience requirement for OMCA. In most cases, a balanced combination of experience and up-to-date education is the best preparation for your certification. For those of you who have studied and know your digital marketing, the OMCA exam can be smooth. Here's…
