From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Navigating delivery and campaign measurements

Navigating delivery and campaign measurements

- Did you know that 20% of emails never get delivered? I'm going to explain how you can increase your reputation as an email sender, because this is a critical factor in getting your emails delivered. Email delivery is complicated because of spam, which accounts for over 50 million emails a day. So organizations have implemented aggressive spam detection. Getting past that detection and getting your email into the inbox is called deliverability. Deliverability starts with your own outgoing email server. This is based on your reputation. Sending to thousands of recipients with outdated email addresses, sending spam emails, and receiving spam complaints destroy your reputation. This will result in your own server lowering your priority and it will reduce, limit, or block your emails altogether. After it gets passed your outgoing email server, it goes to the recipient's email server, which is called the Gateway. The gateway acts…
