From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Measuring content engagement and effectiveness

Measuring content engagement and effectiveness

- If someone comes to your website and reads an article, was that a successful visit? It was if it answered their question. I'll teach you how to measure the ROI and key performance indicators of content marketing. Most measurements surround the conversion, getting the sale or the lead. This becomes less concrete when measuring the results of content marketing since it targets intent, when most people are not buying, but researching. Measurement starts at the beginning of the strategy. the organizational objectives or outcomes. These are typically set by the stakeholders, management, or C-level. Outcomes can be things like increase leads, increase market share, increase sales, or decrease the cost per lead. The goals of the campaign are then developed by the marketing team to accomplish the business outcome. For example, if the outcome is to increase leads, then my goal is simple, find the channels and the methods…
