From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Investing in your email list

Investing in your email list

- Regular communications with your customers is not only a good idea, it makes you money. A Gartner Group study showed that 80% of a company's future profits will come from 20% of the current customers. Your customers and contacts are the subscribers that build your business. I'm going to show you how to increase that subscriber list. One of the easiest, yet lowest quality methods, is to purchase a list. Typically, these lists are gathered from trade shows or copied from webpages, and because of that, these lists don't yield the greatest results. It's not recommended, and many ESPs won't allow you to use that kind of list with their service. Co-promotion is when you develop a list with a shared partner. By co-promoting, a brand makes an offer to another brand's subscribers. For example, I could sponsor a report developed by a research company. An email would go out to their subscribers telling them about the report.…
