From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Improving email campaign performance

Improving email campaign performance

- You've probably already noticed in digital marketing, everything is measurable. Email is no different, so sending emails without testing or trying to beat a benchmark is unthinkable. Let's take a look at some of the ways that you can improve your emails' open, click through, and conversion performance. The first and most effective place to start is the subject line of your email. You can improve the subject line by personalizing it. Personalization starts by simply using the person's name in your email's subject line, such as Matt here is your Brit Box trial, recipient's names in the subject line typically have higher open rates. Also, personalization is about more than just names. It's about relevance. Emails that use the recipient's name and a recently viewed product increases open and click rates as well. Have you ever received an email reminding you about a product you left in a shopping cart? They're effective…
