From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Identifying customer intent

Identifying customer intent

- [Instructor] Understanding intent is the key to bringing visitors to your site, developing and presenting persuasive information, and then inviting them to take action. Ideally, they want to take action by the time you present your offer. So how do we understand customer intent and use that to design more effective content? Typically, the AIDA Model is used to describe a typical customer buying cycle. It starts with A for awareness; I for interest; D, desire; and A, action. We help people through this buying cycle by developing content and campaigns designed to raise the awareness. This can be through addressing a problem and then providing a product or service as the solution. Next, create interest. What is different or unique? How can you make them need this product? Now, this can also be the offer you're making, such as a discount, an offer, or a promise. Next is desire, and this is where you make the case…
