From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Gaining influence through links

Gaining influence through links

- Are you the kind of person that likes to recommend restaurants, places, or experiences to your friends? This is the idea behind the next part of understanding search engine algorithms. I'm going to cover how getting links from other websites increases your rankings and how to start getting those links. To start, when you get a link from another website, it's because that website is recommending you to their visitors. For example, if I'm writing an article or a blog post on sea turtles, I'd link to the source of information as a citation. I can also provide the link for readers who want additional resources or information that I don't cover. Also, if I recommend a service provider or product, I would link to it on social media. In this way, I'm giving my personal recommendation to others. When you gain links to your website, it shows that other websites or businesses are recommending you to their visitors. They…
