From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Employing SEO for local businesses

Employing SEO for local businesses

- [Instructor] Most companies are small businesses that serve a local area. So how do they compete in the search engines? Fortunately, search engines have made local results and local businesses a priority in the search results and that's called localized SEO. The first step in local optimization is NAP which stands for name, address, and phone number. Verify your name, address, and phone number in business listings, directories, and other citations, and ensure that the information is being used exactly the same way in every case. I'm going to show you how this works on a local attraction from my hometown, the Pro Football Hall of Fame. When you search for the Hall of Fame, addresses are on almost every result. Check your results to make sure that other websites, Chambers of Commerce, business listings, and other local directories present your name, address, and phone number data correctly and consistently. Also, make sure…
