From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Developing heuristics

Developing heuristics

- Testing doesn't have to be statistical or slow, testing provides a valuable approach but it can take time, time for development or waiting for enough users to participate. In addition there is the additional cost to develop each element or version. To speed up the optimization process, you can use a heuristic approach. A heuristic approach is a shortcut, a faster approach that doesn't provide the accuracy of a test, but finds an effective solution. A heuristic evaluation is a way of reviewing a website based on usability principles. An effective way of doing this is through the development of personas. A persona is a fictitious person that's created based on your customer data. They are developed with a background, a picture and a description of their work and home life. Importantly, they are also developed with specific needs and goals. For one company selling fitness trackers they developed a persona for an…
