From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Developing a social media strategy

Developing a social media strategy

- [Instructor] Social media can be a scary place, especially for a new business. Social media is a huge landscape, but businesses can start with a scalable approach and work up to full-fledged participation. The first place to start is setting the strategy based on the business goals for a company. What is the goal of your organization? Is it to gain business leads, to sell products? How will you communicate your benefits to the marketplace? The goals set the tone for the strategy and how social marketing tactics are used. There are four typical approaches to social media. The first is social media monitoring or listening. This passive entrance to social media limits a business to monitoring social media for mentions of the brand. There's no plan to respond or engage, only to listen and learn. Next is reputation management. This is when a company goes beyond listening and develops a plan to react to protect their brand.…
