From the course: OMCA™ Certification for Digital Marketers Test Prep

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Collecting analytics data

Collecting analytics data

- So where does all of this analytics data come from? How do we know that you visited a website, looked at four pages over the course of five minutes, and watched a video on one of those pages and then subscribed to an email newsletter? Let's take a look at how analytics data is collected. User activity on a website can be captured in three ways. First is via the website server's log file. Each server maintains a file of all page requests and writes them to a text-based file. However, this file becomes very large and needs substantial processing power to read, organize, and develop reportable information. The second method is by using JavaScript. By placing a JavaScript on each page of the website, activities, events, and clicks are sent and recorded to another server or to a cloud server. The data is compiled and provides a real-time view of behavior on the website. JavaScript can be implemented in three ways. First, as an…
