From the course: Mastering Virtual Presentations

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Showing up powerfully

Showing up powerfully

Can you really be a powerful presenter if you're sitting down in front of a screen? What does it take to look and feel confident and wow, your audience? Show up powerfully and project confidence online. After this lesson, you'll be able to master skills such as eye contact posture, gestures, vocal conviction and language to gain credibility. Let's start with your visual presentation. How do you show up? How do you take a seat at the table? Often, speakers fidget as they begin speaking to prevent excess movement. Learn to ground yourself. Here's how you do that. Place your feet flat on the floor. Lean in at a 15 degree angle. Place your hands on the desk and look directly at the lens. This grounding position creates executive presence. Even if you're nervous, you will look confident to the audience. Next, establish direct eye contact. This is the hardest skill to master and provides a real difference from in-person presentations. Think of yourself as a broadcaster giving a satellite…
