From the course: Mastering Virtual Presentations

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Master sound quality

Master sound quality

Can you hear me now? You're on mute. You're cutting out. How often have you said those words or heard someone say them to you? Audio is a critical factor in virtual presentations. Unlike meetings in person, we can't just start talking when presenting virtually as a presenter. You need to monitor the audio when we want to speak and when we're finished speaking. After this lesson, you'll be able to choose the right audio equipment for maximum sound quality and your budget first. Why is sound important? Without adequate sound, the message can't be heard. If the sound is faint, the audience will stop listening. If the sound is crackly or has a slight echo, it will cause irritation. When it comes to virtual presentations. Sound is more important than lighting. The audience will forgive you if your lighting needs improvement, but they will not tolerate poor sound quality. So how do you ensure that your sound is appealing to the listeners? It starts with finding the right amplification. The…
