From the course: Mastering Virtual Presentations

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Keeping their attention

Keeping their attention

Are you tired of speaking to people who are on their phones? Do you feel like you're being ignored or wonder if you're boring them? Have you become resigned to people shutting off their cameras while you talk? Lecturing doesn't work in virtual meetings. In this lesson, you'll apply techniques to keep your audience engaged, energized and off their phones. The first step is to break it up. That means you can't lecture the way you would do in a live presentation. Listening is difficult to sustain for long periods. The audience experiences screen fatigue, and you need to break up the presentation in order to keep their attention. This time management process can be applied to virtual presentations, whether it's your talking points or an activity. Do something different at intervals of 20 minutes or less. The audience will listen again when there is change. Another powerful engagement technique is interactive activities. Involve your audience with fun exercises. Create a few quick polls in…
