From the course: Mastering Virtual Presentations

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Identify the four roles

Identify the four roles

You don't have to be a television producer to deliver a virtual presentation. But there are some key similarities that you or someone else may have to learn and execute in order to deliver a presentation that makes an impact. You never know when you'll be called upon to fulfill a different role when presenting virtually. To excel at virtual presentations, you need to know four roles and the skills to perform them. It's not enough to be a good presenter. There are other aspects to developing an impactful virtual presentation. After this lesson, you'll be able to identify the four roles of a virtual presentation. When to use them and when to delegate them to someone else. What are these four roles? Let's dig in. First, there's the producer. This is the person who manages the back end. The producer manages the chat room. The questions and answers. Organizes the breakout rooms. May advance the slides. Controls the microphones to control noise. Handles admitting people to the virtual room…
