From the course: Mastering Virtual Presentations

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Develop your presentation outline

Develop your presentation outline

Do you ramble and have trouble getting to the point? Do you know your content but have trouble putting the message together? Speaking extemporaneously during meetings and presentations is not always a good idea. After this lesson, you'll learn how to build a presentation outline using templates to organize your thoughts and keep you on track. First, profile your audience. A good virtual presentation begins before you start. Organize your message. The starting point is knowing your audience. Presenters don't spend enough time thinking through what's important to their listeners. Picture your audience. Ask yourself how many people will attend? What's their level of knowledge? What are their challenges? How do they like to receive information? What are their expectations of your presentation? The more you know about the audience, the more successful you'll be in tailoring it to their needs. Next, create a clear outcome before you start organizing your talk. You need to know where you're…
