From the course: Mastering Virtual Presentations

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Creating an agenda

Creating an agenda

Imagine you're taking a road trip. You start from your home. You know, you want to go to a resort and you know your final destination as you drive along on your journey. You notice there are no road signs. You don't know where the exits are. It's getting dark and the road is dimly lit. Your GPS isn't working and you don't know where you are. You turn your car around and start traveling in another direction. You're totally lost. After hours of traveling, you finally arrive at the resort. You're no longer excited. You just want a good night's sleep and you're thinking of going home. That's what it's like when your audience doesn't know where you're taking them on your presentation journey. They need a road map. Setting the stage is so critical online. After this lesson, you'll be able to create an agenda and ground rules for successful meetings. The first step is to build a road map. You do this by giving them your agenda before you dive into your presentation and agenda. Maybe 3 to 6…
