From the course: Mastering Virtual Presentations

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A formula for public speaking

A formula for public speaking

When I was a freshman in college, I signed up for a public speaking course. If speaking, it wasn't scary enough. All my classmates were juniors and seniors, so I was feeling really intimidated. The first presentation was a self introduction and I was the last to speak. I didn't know what I was going to say or how to put my thoughts together. It seemed overwhelming. The faster I talked, the more nervous I got. As I was wrapping up. I heard a stage whisper in the back of the room. A student said, Look, her shoulders are shaking. Well, I wanted to dash out of that room and drop the course. But I didn't. And I learned something over time. Speaking doesn't have to be scary and it doesn't have to be complex sighted. After this lesson, you'll be able to simplify public speaking into three easy steps. After years as a speaker and a speech coach, I developed the YAM formula. This formula applies to any situation, whether in person or online. YAM stands for know Yourself, know your Audience…
