From the course: Marketing Attribution and Mix Modeling

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Position-based models and assigning credit

Position-based models and assigning credit

From the course: Marketing Attribution and Mix Modeling

Position-based models and assigning credit

- [Instructor] As soon as an advertiser gets more sophisticated about attribution, they tend to consider a position-based approach. Last click, first click, and linear models can sometimes be a bit too simple. So by manually assigning weights based on position, it's possible to customize your model to your business's needs. Let's take this example. If a customer read your blog a few weeks ago and signed up for the email list, then an email came through and they clicked on that and then came to the website, but decided not to buy straight away. Then they saw an ad a few days later, clicked on the ad and purchased. Then under last click, 100% of the credit would go to the ad. We know that that's not the full story, because the email and the blog also deserves some of that credit. Under position-based, you can choose how that credit gets assigned. So, for example, you can give more credit to the first and last…
