From the course: Marketing Attribution and Mix Modeling

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"How did you hear about us?": Surveys and panel studies

"How did you hear about us?": Surveys and panel studies

From the course: Marketing Attribution and Mix Modeling

"How did you hear about us?": Surveys and panel studies

- [Instructor] Where did your customers come from? Well, why not just ask them? This is a HDYHAU survey, or "How did you hear about us?" It can be a powerful tool for validating other attribution methods. So for example, if you ask and 40% of people say they came through internet ads, but your Facebook and Google ad accounts added together say that you drove 60% of conversions through internet ads, then you might have an attribution problem. You can also use it to measure hard to measure channels, like TV ads and word of mouth. Your response rate on these surveys will differ, depending on where you put them. So for example, if you put the survey on the home page or a landing page, you might get a below 5% response rate. However, if you put it on the thank you page or the checkout page after someone purchases, you could get closer to 30%. You can also follow up in the welcome email and confirmation email to increase that…
