From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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Solution: Staying organized

Solution: Staying organized - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

Solution: Staying organized

(upbeat music) - [Narrator] And I'm back, and hopefully, you've organized your car. So let me show you how I would do it. Now, the first thing I want to do is just group geometry so it's easy to select. So I'm going to start with this car. I could box select everything in the car. But another way to do that is just select one portion of the car, right click and do Select All Connected, connect, that selects everything. And then right click Make Group, there's my car. I could do the same for the headlights. Now you may have a question as do you want to do each headlight separately or do you want to do them together? I'm actually going to do them together because they really don't move, and so it makes it a little bit simpler. So I'm going to select those, right click, Make Group and then zoom in a little bit and move those into place. And I want to make sure that I'm on face in group. There we go. Actually, I can move it…
