From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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SketchUp Go: Outliner

SketchUp Go: Outliner - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

SketchUp Go: Outliner

- [Instructor] If you're working with the paid version of SketchUp and have access to SketchUp Go, then you will have one additional tool to help you organize your scenes. Now, this isn't available to SketchUp free, but the tool is called the Outliner and it gives you a visual reference for how you're scene is organized. So if you remember, we have this scene here with the refrigerator and the dishwasher. Now I've organized the refrigerator into components and groups. So the refrigerator itself is a component, if I double click on that, you'll see that I have groups for the drawers and the doors. So if I double click on that, you'll see the handle and the actual drawer are separate groups. Now, if I want to view this a little bit more easily, I can use the outliner. So you'll find the outliner here. And as you can see, it's got a list of everything in the scene. So in this case, the refrigerator is a component, and…
