From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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SketchUp Go: Customizing styles

SketchUp Go: Customizing styles - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

SketchUp Go: Customizing styles

- [Instructor] Just like with materials, SketchUp Go also allows you to edit styles. So let's go into our styles menu here and you'll see that right now I have my simple style. If I want to, I can edit that style. And this gives me the ability to create any sort of style I want. So I'm just going to call this my style, give it a new name and then I can change all sorts of settings. So if I want to, I can change whether I display edges or not. I can change things such as the extension. Let's say I want to extend my edges so you can see that on the end. In fact, let's go ahead and make that six so you can see that a little bit better. And turn that on, pump it up to six. So you can see I can get kind of a more of a drawn thing here. I can maybe add in some jitter to my lines make them look a little bit more hand drawn. I can change the color of my lines or I can put it a little bit darker and make it a little bit…
