From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

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Scaling and rotating objects

Scaling and rotating objects - SketchUp Tutorial

From the course: Learning SketchUp Free

Scaling and rotating objects

- [Instructor] Now let's use the rotate and scale tool. You'll find these down with the move tool. Here we have rotate and scale. We're going to start off with rotate, and the hot key for that is the letter Q. And when you activate this tool, you'll see that we have this protractor which kind of shows up in the scene. And as we move through the scene, notice how that protractor just tries to snap whatever face it can find. Now if it snaps to a face that's aligned with an axis, it will highlight in the color of that axis. So in this case, up and down is blue, this is green, and this is red. But along the cylinder you'll see that, well, I don't really get that because these aren't aligned. The only thing that's aligned is the top which basically snaps to blue. So let's go ahead and take a look at how to use this tool. I'm going to hover over this table and just click towards the middle of that face along the top of the…
